After a long day and a half of no sleep and travel, i’m back. On the way from the airport, i had the cab stop at a grocery store so i could re-provision. Then spent quite some time unpacking. I have vowed to never pack so heavily again. Can’t believe all the books i brought back. Don’t know where i am going to put them. Have to get rid of some. Next time…i’m getting a Kimble.
By the way, while in Seattle i tried to find what to do with a play i’ve written. Yes, i’ve written a play. It’s about our battle with cancer. Something it seems i had to get out of me and onto the page before writing something else. It wasn’t so much writing as working from the Brainews e-mails i sent out at the time and quoting some of you. In most cases, i didn’t change peoples’ names – let me know if that’s not okay with you. Anyway, i sent it to Tom Brophy at Seattle Cold Readers (you can google them) and they are willing to give an excerpt a reading to a small audience. Probably the third Thursday of Sept. Of course i am thrilled that they think it’s worth a shot and their feedback. If any of you want to see it, assuming attendance is open, look them up.
Wow, it’s gotten hotter here. It was 90 inside the boat when i went to bed – no need for covers or clothes. And if i can believe Akimbo’s water thermometer, the water in the harbor here is 92. I’ll confirm that later when i try my new compressor dive system and clean the bottom of the boat. Last night a thunderstorm came thru at about 2 a.m. Beautiful. I watch the images on the hurricane site showing the convection activity, and it is much busier than it was a month ago. There’s a cyclone out there that should move off in the next few days. Hopefully that times out with my finishing my prep on Akimbo and shoving off.
Thank you all for such a wonderful visit in Seattle. I realize now that i was darn tired when i got there (someone suggested i take a break more often). And now i feel well rested and loved. It impresses me how important you are to me. Please stay in touch. I’ll always write back.
I’ve been wanting to share photos of this place with you, but had ruined the old camera. So here are some pics via the new camera. Okay, that’s all for now. Hasta luego.
Quiet a change! It was really good to see you and very much enjoyed Tyler. It is beautiful there. First class! I wish you well and hope the next legs are uneventful, so to speak. Thanks for the update, I'm sure getting back was tiring, but also a relief. Love you. Take care.
Hey darlin, I loved seeing your photos and knowing where you are/were and what you have been doing. It was fabulous to see you in Seattle. Congratulations on getting an initial thumbs up from Seattle Cold Readers, Let us know when they do an excerpt reading from your screenplay, I'll go down and watch/listen in person. It has been a while since you posted an update, you must be out sailing, it is, after all, what you do. Thinking of you. Much love.
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