This is the link to the info:

This is my e-mail to family and Sean -
"good morning -
it looks like we are in the path of this one.
time to change our plans - not going anywhere until it goes by - say Tuesday.
i'm going to extend our stay here with the port authority and start asking around about local shelter.
best case, i imagine finding somewhere with enuf depth to wedge Akimbo in between some mangrove islands. worst case, we anchor in the open roadstead. middle case, anchor around a shore contour that offers some depth and some shelter.
Sean if you get this before you fly and want to wait to come, i understand. Or if you're on your way, i'll welcome the help - but don't want you to put yourself in harm's way.
good luck to us all,
Actually, local knowledge is pointing me toward a marina that may be the best option possible.
Am i scared? Yes. But it's time to get busy. Not time to worry.
Still, sorry to worry you. Will keep you posted when i can.
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