Sharing the adventures and horizons of the good sloop Akimbo and her crew going sailing... You might want to start at the "beginning" (October 3, 2009)? Thank you for visiting. It means a lot to me, so please leave comments or e-mail me @, and encourage others to visit too. It's a way for me to feel your company even from afar. Good luck to us all. Love and hope, jon

Friday, January 1, 2010

happy new year

Thank you Seattle dears
for this loving visit i return from
and the memory of it i return to.
It will nourish me when i need it.
So i'm back aboard now,
to go dance on the horizon's edge
between reality and unreality.
On the outside i am exploring the Sea of Cortez,
on the inside i am exploring being alone.
Sensing a deep/simple/bedrock shift nearby
that i can't know and have to trust.
It may look like i'm trying to escape,
when it feels more like i am trying to integrate.
Past, present and future.
To evolve.
As Gary quoted,
"if it's not a mystery...
it's a misunderstanding."
I like that.
And "if it's not service, it's a waste of time."
But black and white statements, themselves,
serve only a little to illumine so much gray.
Am i "serving" from out here? Isolated?
A little maybe, but there's much more to offer.
I expect to be cruising for the next week or two,
finding a pace.
So until my next missive here...
You are in my heart, every beat,
lucky jon

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