Sharing the adventures and horizons of the good sloop Akimbo and her crew going sailing... You might want to start at the "beginning" (October 3, 2009)? Thank you for visiting. It means a lot to me, so please leave comments or e-mail me @, and encourage others to visit too. It's a way for me to feel your company even from afar. Good luck to us all. Love and hope, jon

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Mazat to La Cruz (PV)

These three pics make up a panorama from the Mazatlan lighthouse, above the anchorage we were in.

I did a LOT of walking around Mazatlan (maybe too much – hip hurts). I met up with my friends Rose and Jani from Lovely Lady for dinner, and surprised a friend of a friend - fun. It’s a nice town, and not so Americanized as i had feared it might be. Some lovely galleries, long beaches, and smiling eyes. What i didn’t do was work on boat chores. Just restocked some produce, found some internet access, read and wrote and relaxed. Almost bought "stuff?" Some masks made of leather. But resisted. Whew!

Lovely Lady is headed south to Puerto Vallarta to haulout for the summer, while Rose and Jani return to their new home in the NW. They’ll be back to continue their circumnavigation next fall. So we’re going to buddy boat most of the way there – we have different stops on our lists. This should be fun. What luxury to have company out there!
We were graced with a great sailing day. Rose hailed me when they had cleared out of their marina. I was anchored in the old marina about 5 miles south of them. I asked traffic control and the port captain for permission to transit the channel and embark. Akimbo and i headed out to the sea buoy where we rendezvoused with Lovely Lady at about 11, main sails hoisted and motoring in light wind. The fishing line i trailed harvested a small dorado – yahoo! At about noon we unrolled our headsails, beginning a long starboard tack close hauled that was to last thru the night. Delightful 4 to 6 knot sailng, in small seas. THIS is what we came for. I shook my head. Never would have imagined this scene when Rose and i first met over 20 years ago. It’s been fun to bump into each other. I’ll miss them. (sorry, i forgot to take their picture under sail)
Isla Isabela was described to me as Mexico’s miniature Galapagos. Jacques Cousteau stopped here with Calypso a long time ago, and a university has a camp and observation deck ashore. There’s a huge resident frigate rookery ashore, and seasonal booby nesting. We anchored at 9am, i napped, read a book. All day i’ve been watching lots of “aerial combat.” It’s quite a show. Akimbo is the only yacht here. This place feels pristine, tho there is a fishing camp in the next bight south. Seems i am the contrarian, cruising north when others go south, sailing south when others go north. Ah well, i’m enjoying the privacy.

The rocks nearby, las monas (mannequins), are dramatic. Went snorkeling around them for a few hours. The water and air temps are about 84. Even so, with a “farmer john” wetsuit i came back chilled. Kayaked and beach combed. Nice hot back deck shower, glass of wine later, i sit here, i watch the sunset. The music i listen to supplies the soundtrack. For many my floating home would be too small and always in too much motion. For the fishermen nearby it would be too plush. For me? Akimbo is fitting, carrying me to whatever it is i seek (i wonder what that is). I am deeply privileged to be here. Thankful for this moment, something about it amazes me.

The second day at Isla isabella the waves were up and i wasn't comfortable surfing in to the beach on my own - what if i blew it and got hurt? So hesitantly i weighed anchor and left - again it teaches me to do what i can while i can? On to La Cruz. Another overnight sail and as i arrived fireworks went up from shore. For me?! I like this place! Well, okay, not for me, but that doesn’t matter. I still like this place. The very nice and new marina is about 80% finished. Bustling Puerto Vallarta is close by (a short local bus ride). La Cruz is without the bustle...altho this week is some religious celebration, thus the fireworks. Every evening is filled with lots of noise from a carnival in town and a stage set up in the town square with lots of performing going on. I especially enjoy the traditional dancing and costumes. Lots of heel stompin' steps. (This kind of dancing seems common to a lot of cultures? Irish. And do we call something similar "clogging" in the U.S.? Gotta have the right kind of shoes). Lots of applause, kids running around, smiles. Yee-haw!
Am i adjusting more to this life? Something seems easier lately. Maybe it’s simply that the season is changing. Warming. Maybe after meeting one unknown after another, i begin to expect to meet the next one. Whether it’s simply a word in Spanish or the weather or the approach to the next anchorage.
I plan to write from Barra Navidad in a few days, where i'll be prepping Akimbo for my month long absence, while i am back in the Pacific Northwet. I can't wait to share more than distant words with my dear ones. Until then.

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