I've lifted these photos from that morning from Dave Leonard's link in his comment. Thank you Dave.

Yes, it was a big wind that got us started. It felt like we "jumped in with both feet." Solid 15 to 25 knots coming from (of course) where we wanted to go. Double reefed the main before we hoisted it, and raised the solant jib, and started tacking. We started our watch schedule right away. I appreciated being off watch at the start so i could keep checking the boat's "pulse." Found a few things mis-stowed, a few things to lube, and a system or two that requires manual monitoring when heeled so far over.
Jack and i felt a little queasy at the start, so we used the Scopolamine (sp?) transderm. Elena wears one behind her ear too. Tyler hasn't seemed to need one.
Overall, i am very pleased so far with the prep seeming to pay off. Especially the solar panels - if i run the fridge/freeze judiciously, they seem to keep up with our electrical needs pretty well (by dusk the batteries were only down 7 amp hours!). Have tested out all the bunks (not the forward berth, that's where our duffels and such store) they are indeed comfy at sea.
The current came against us in the afternoon too. We got into the Straits by dusk anyway. Then when the sun went down, the wind went with it. We are motoring now, nearing Neah Bay. Planning on a nap and then start down the coast. We feel so lucky for this sunny weather and north winds!
Seems i should have more to tell, so many details, but more will come later. Everyone here is doing great. Thank you for your part in this too.
Thanks so much for creating this blog. The boys, Melissa and I are all looking forward to following your adventures. I don't know if Jack shared this with you, but going out on your sail boat was the James and Zachary's favorite activity from our Seattle trip.
The "ice" has been broken and I suspect you are now headed south. Beautiful day here, hope it was there with a wind on your tail. Been thinking about you guys all day. Be safe, love you
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