Enjoyed a sail with Charlie, Dale, Sara, Kate and Will (Tritschler clan) and Julian (college friend) Sunday. Naturals at the helm. And great good fun companions. Thank you all for joining us. We hope you will encourage others to come for a sail too.
Of note, as we depart Sausalito, we send our appreciation to John Baier. Previously I've known him as the Grand Banks dealer for northern California. He is the man who had extra room at his sales dock here (for free!)...and a loaner car for us too. So now I know him as a generous soul, fellow sailing enthusiast and friend who helped us a lot. I hope to pay his hospitality back and forward. Thank you very much John! I'm sorry we didn't hang around to drink that wine together, but i hope you like it.
Yahoo! What a relief to get sailmail working. I can now access e-mail (and weather charts) from anywhere via my computer and single side band radio. After we get to Mexico,
write to us at our sailmail address. Keep in mind the connection is slow and the traffic is limited - so no attachments please. Just text. In fact, as i read their directions they really really stress every precaution to keep our address from getting "harvested" by "trawling" programs and then becoming totally jammed and made worthless by spam. They say to never post our address (i.e. here) but use it only for individual e-mails. They stress copying and pasting e-mails you want to pass along to us, NOT simply clicking on "forward" (which then sends the e-mail you received plus the copy of it you are sending...). Get the idea? It's a bandwidth constrained system that we should use only when we really want to get in touch (or the info is time sensitive and important). On the bright side, i guess this way another part of looking forward to a landfall will be picking up our e-mail via our gmail accounts when we get to shoreside internet access (i.e. a cafe').

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