Sharing the adventures and horizons of the good sloop Akimbo and her crew going sailing... You might want to start at the "beginning" (October 3, 2009)? Thank you for visiting. It means a lot to me, so please leave comments or e-mail me @, and encourage others to visit too. It's a way for me to feel your company even from afar. Good luck to us all. Love and hope, jon

Friday, March 22, 2013

What am i finding so far?

What am i finding so far?  That i am used to being alone on the boat.  So i tend to try to do everything…like i used to.  Cook, trim, steer, navigate, repair, coil, dust, wash dishes, do laundry, manage systems, coil, etc…  I realize that this may get in the way of my crew’s desire to do things too.  So i invite crew to ask me to back off of those things they want to do.  (communication is the key)  Still, i do a lot of things “a certain way.”  So i may answer i’ll do it myself, or maybe i’ll ask if i may show you how i like to do it, or…maybe i’ll just say thank you and leave you to it.  I really do want my crew’s contributions.  I’m just saying that if it doesn’t seem like that?  Well, we need to clarify my intentions.  

What else?  I AM a “neatnick.”  I really appreciate keeping Akimbo clean and stuff in place.  “Fighting the forces of chaos,” i call it.  Thank you. 

And…i have two purposes here.  First is to move Akimbo forward on this route.  Second is for my crew to enjoy the trip, each other and me…and vice versa.  It is (i'm looking for the right word...) it's more than my pleasure to meet you.  It's more profound than that.  But being a tourist doesn't seem to be my purpose, much.  My focus doesn’t branch out much to touring, unless...  Maybe y’all can help me with that. 

I’m also finding that Akimbo’s stitching is tired.  On the dodger.  On the mainsail cover.  On the sock for the drifter.  On the wheel's leather.  Stitching appears that it may be my bane of this trip. 

I’ll let you know what else…as i find it.  

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