Sharing the adventures and horizons of the good sloop Akimbo and her crew going sailing... You might want to start at the "beginning" (October 3, 2009)? Thank you for visiting. It means a lot to me, so please leave comments or e-mail me @, and encourage others to visit too. It's a way for me to feel your company even from afar. Good luck to us all. Love and hope, jon

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

shelter from the storm

We are grateful for...too many things to list them all.

But yesterday it was weather reports especially, and man, they weren't kidding about the gusts! Even at the dock several boats here suffered damage - mostly to their canvas and bimini. I walked around the dock to help where i could and almost got blown off once. The wind in Akimbo's rigging was noisy, and she tugged hard at her lines all day. Otherwise the day was spent under a cozy blanket and reading. Being lazy. Maybe today i'll muster myself to start back in on boat projects.

And talk about grateful. For the people and experiences in our histories that we've paid attention to. We've enjoyed an occasional phone call with some of you. It feels (can't find the right word) very rich to be missed by you. I want to be sure you know that we miss you too, that the feeling is mutual. And yet here we are sailing over the horizon. I don't grok it yet. To miss you and yet not be lonely. Seems like it could stop us in our paths, which wouldn't be healthy. But it seems like an act of faith to carry each other in our hearts and to keep going. Curious.

I'm reading "Taking On The World" by Ellen MacArthur (Elena's copy - thank you). At 18 years old she was doing about what i am doing now, but solo. From there she found sponsorship, and at 24 she came in second in the Vendee Globe round the world, non-stop, single handed race. Good on her! As for me, from here? I'm looking forward to a cold beer in LaPaz...and more perspective on this life.

Sausalito is being good to us. Day before yesterday we walked all over the neighborhoods here, built on steep hillsides. So there are no straight streets, since they have to follow the contours of the hills, terraced, with lots of stairways between. The houses are quite unique, their use of space creative. Like us, they attempt to shape their environment and end up largely shaped by it. It was fun to meet strangers' eyes, to feel namaste', to see new things thru the bright air of a new place. And to bump into somebody i knew. Really. At a gallery exhibiting Dr. Seuss' art. Ah, the details. "Go figure."

More later. Lots o' love,

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